As a tertiary student above 18 years of age or as a young working adult who earns between S$18,000 and S$30,000, you will be given a credit limit of S$500 if you apply for any of the following cards. As this is probably your first credit card, the more you know the better. Having a credit card is good, as it allows you to track your daily spending and ensures that you don't overspend. Most importantly, do remember to pay your card bills in full to avoid any late charges and interest charges. Banks grant these micro credit cards in a bid to gain customer loyalty from a young age.
Get 0.25% cashback on all retail spending. You get first year annual fees waiver of S$30 when you apply for one. You also get to enjoy discounts at Manhattan Fish Market, McDelivery and Pizza Hut. Click here to Apply Now and we will direct you to the official card issuer's website.
Exclusive party privileges at Zouk with free entries to Zouk, Phuture and Velvet Underground-Dance on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Enjoy 1-for-1 drinks at Wine Bar and Velvet Underground-Dance on certain days. Enjoy best student movie deals at S$5 and 150 pairs of free movie tickets each month at The Cathay Cineplex and Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure Orchard. Redeem a pair of movie tickets every month with min. spend of S$30 on your Citibank Clear Card. Earn 10% Citi Rebate at Starbucks and 5% Citi Rebate at Burger King. Get a Lomography Camera – Fisheye Baby 110 Metal when you apply for a Citibank Clear Card. Click here to Apply Now and we will direct you to the official card issuer's website.
Enjoy 1-for-1 deals on movie tickets at Cathay Cineplexes (limited to 260 redemptions per month) and food treats at Popeye Louisiana Kitchen (limited to 250 redemptions per month). Every S$1 spend at Qoo10, Groupon and iTunes gives you additional 1 TREATS Point. Apply now and enjoy 2 years fee waiver and receive a stylish adidas wristwatch worth S$120. Quarterly service fee of S$5; waived when you charge to your Card once every 3 months. Click here to Apply Now and we will direct you to the official card issuer's website.
No annual fees are charged for this card. With the cross border CIMB Bank Smart Rewards Programme, you will enjoy exclusive offers, discounts and privileges at over 1,000 estblished merchant outlets in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia every day, all year long. Click here to Apply Now and we will direct you to the official card issuer's website.
That's all for the 5 cards that are available in the market. Some offer pretty attractive freebies if you sign up with them. Which ones are your favourite? You can write in and share your actual user experience with us.
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