Thursday, 26 March 2015

Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 1923 - 2015

Msmoneysense shares the grief of the nation at the passing of our Founding Father, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

He has dedicated his entire life to the task of nation-building that shaped Singapore’s history, turning it from a trading entrepot into the successful cosmopolitan city that it is today.

 He built up a strong defence capability to protect our sovereignty, a vibrant economy which created good jobs, a sound education system and excellent infrastructure, housing and environment. Singapore's GDP was $500 when he took over in 1965 and now it boasts a GDP of $55,000, surpassing even some other developed nations and is the envy of many. Even though Singapore had no natural resources and did not have Malaysia as hinterland, he transformed Singapore from a Third World to First World country through his unwavering determination and leadership in less than a generation.

His contributions and sacrifices will always be valued dearly by all Singaporeans.  It is his far-sighted vision, astute political judgement and strategy that laid a strong foundation for Singapore’s success. His forthrightness and intellect won Singapore many friends and allies internationally. 

This achievement has indeed enhanced the lives of many Singaporeans where we can live in racial harmony, sharing in the prosperity of the nation, and having equal and ample opportunities to pursue a fulfilling future regardless of race, language or religion. His contributions and legacy will be enduring.

We will long remember and honour Mr Lee for his many contributions. His passing is a great loss to the nation and to every Singaporean. In the year that we will be celebrating Singapore's 50 years of nation building, it will be especially poignant that he is no longer around. He will be dearly missed by all Singaporeans.

Let us carry on his legacy and continue to fly the Singapore flag high.

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